Author Interview with Roxanne Bland

Q: If you could have a fantasy pet, what would you have and why?
A: A ky’un. They’re house pets, like miniature Komodo dragons, and vicious. Little savages.

Q: What type of music best describes your writing?
A: That depends on what I’m writing. For edgier works, it’s usually something like heavy metal, or other types of music with a driving beat. For those that aren’t so edgy, softer orchestral works, like Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade.

Q: Tell us about your writing office/space and why it’s special to you.
A: Well, I wouldn’t say it’s special. At least I don’t think of it as a special space. It’s just my office. But it’s a single room with a door, and when I’m in there writing, the world could blow up and I wouldn’t notice as long as the electricity and internet stayed on. If they don’t, yeah. The world is gonna have problems with me.

Q: What is your favorite piece of visual art that has inspired a story or two?
A: Interesting question, because I honestly can’t say that any work of art has inspired a story, even though I’m an art collector. I’ve never looked at my pieces that way. I admire them for their beauty and the emotions they evoke in me. Maybe I’ll try it!

Q: If you didn’t write full-time what would your day job be? Is writing a hobby for you?
A: Having had a day job for over 30 years and recently transitioning to full-time writing, I can’t imagine having a day job again. I can’t even imagine what I’d do. I suppose I could say a day job that doesn’t require heavy thinking.

Q: What is your writing schedule and how many words do you write in a sitting?
A: I don’t have a schedule. Might be a good idea for me to create one. I’m usually on my computer doing various things, and when an idea strikes me, I just pull up the manuscript and write. Now that I think about it, yeah, a schedule is a good idea. As for word count, I have no idea. I stopped doing that ages ago. Giving myself a set number makes me anxious, like it’s some kind of test, and if I don’t make the count, I get demerits. And honestly, I don’t pay attention to word count, period. It takes as many words as it takes to tell the story. My books usually top out in the 100,000 range. But if the story tells itself in 80,000, that’s what it’ll be.

Q: How do you celebrate publishing a new story?
A: I don’t. There’s a sense of satisfaction, of course. But I don’t celebrate, like having a glass of wine or taking in a movie. I suppose I celebrate by maybe taking a nap, reading another author’s work, and then starting the next project.

Q: How do you balance your outside life with your writing life?
A: Outside life? What’s that? Really, I’m more than a bit of a recluse. I can interact with people if a have to, and even come off as well-balanced and sane. But I don’t want to. I simply prefer being alone.

Q: Write your eulogy in three sentences.
A: Roxanne Bland was a fugitive from reality. In death, reality believes it has caught up to her, but it hasn’t. Roxanne is far beyond reality’s clutches now.

Q: What project are you most proud of completing?
A: The Underground, because it was my first book. I was sure I could write a novel, but hadn’t a clue how to go about it until my first editor took me under his wing. I learn something new every time I write a book, but this one’s special because it was the vehicle that took me into a whole new world. And you know what? I think I’ll stay.

Q: Do you have any projects you would like to tell your readers about?”
A: At present, I’m writing Liberation, the 3rd book in The Underground series, which dadgummit, I’m going to publish by the end of this year! (I said that last year, too). After that, it’ll be Homeward, the 4th and last book in that series. I’m not through with that universe, but I’m eyeing taking a break from it and work on other projects that are now titles of a folder with nothing in them.

Q: Who is your favorite character from any of your stories and why? If you had to choose a popular author to continue writing this character in another book, who would you choose and why?
A: Honestly, I don’t have a favorite. I can see myself hanging out with any one or all of them. As for another author, I don’t think I would. My characters are facets of my personality, and unless the author could get into my head, I don’t think they could do it justice. And I do not recommend said author getting into my head. It’s a dangerous neighborhood in there.

Q: Where can your readers find you on social media?
A: Lots of places.




    Instagram: roxanneblandauthor1

    ROXANNE BLAND has been a fugitive from reality for as long as she can remember. Defying the laws of physics at every turn, she is now No. 1 on the Albert Einstein Bureau of Enforcement’s Most Wanted list. The Underground Series is the fictional memoir of her life on the lam (so far).