Author Interview with Lindsey Goddard

Q: If you could have a fantasy pet, what would you have and why?
A: Hard question, as the endless possibilities made my mind race with the following thoughts: What about a Mogwai? No. It might turn into a Gremlin. What about Alf? No. He might eat the cat. What about the talking worm from Labyrinth? No, evil scientists would try to capture him to run tests and experiments. So, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot handle the moral responsibility of a fantasy pet and must decline but thank you for offering.

Q: What type of music best describes your writing?
A: Metal symphony!

Q: Tell us about your writing office/space and why it’s special to you.
A: I have two desks in two rooms, yet I end up writing in bed on my laptop, which is terrible for my posture and my bad wrist, I know. What can I say? Depressed goth girls love their beds. Perhaps because there is always a pillow to scream into. I’m working on sitting at a desk more often, though (she types from her bed)

Q: What is your favorite piece of visual art that has inspired a story or two?
A: I’m often inspired by the drawings of children. Kids are bold and unfiltered when they express themselves, and I think that’s why children’s drawings are the focal point of a lot of horror movie scenes. They don’t worry about how people will respond to their art. They simply draw the world as they see it.

Q: If you didn’t write full-time what would your day job be? Is writing a hobby for you?
A: Oh boy. The dreaded ‘J’ word. Job. I’ve had over thirty of those! People like to ask each other, “What do you do?” but very little of what I’ve done to make ends meet has anything to do with who I am. Jobwise, I am a woman of many hats. The only thing that’s a constant in my life is the drive to create. Nothing else holds my attention. I used to think this made me defective, but I’ve learned to appreciate it. Is writing a hobby? No. It’s my whole identity. It’s who I am underneath
the many hats. And it’s likely the only hat that matters in the end.

Q: What is your writing schedule and how many words do you write in a sitting?
A: I write a few times a week. I’m happy to get 500 words, but more is always nice.

Q: How do you celebrate publishing a new story?
A: It has been a while since I’ve had a new one come out, but July is a big month for me. I have at least three stories coming out in different publications that month. I’m going to celebrate by doing games and giveaways on my page.

Q: How do you balance your outside life with your writing life?
A: Poorly, to be honest! Sometimes I neglect the writing until I must eventually lock myself away and catch up. I wish I was more structured. It’s like Franz Kafka said: “The non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity.” I can’t bottle it up. Sometimes I forget that. It’ll come out with fury. Haha.

Q: Write your eulogy in three sentences.
A: If you should ever think of Lindsey Goddard and miss her--write a poem, beat a drum, paint a picture, sing a song, count the colors in the garden, or watch the birds in the sky. Because those are the moments that she enjoyed the most. And those are the moments worth living.

Q: What project are you most proud of completing?
A: I’m getting ready to release my novel, Ashes of Another Life. It was released in 2016 as a novella, but it has been expanded. I have always loved this story, and it’s even better now. Can’t wait to drop it!

Q: Do you have any projects you would like to tell your readers about?
A: Ohhhhh, just a little thing called where we hold writing contests, write blogs, and record a podcast.
Q: Who is your favorite character from any of your stories and why? If you had to choose a popular author to continue writing this character in another book who would you choose and why?
A: My character Tara Jane Brewer from Ashes of Another Life left behind a polygamist cult at the age of fourteen and has a whole new life ahead of her. I’d pick her. Who to write her? A strong female voice such as Catriona Ward, Mercedes M. Yardley, Laurel Hightower, or Caitlin Marceau. I’ve read them all, and it amazes me how they capture the fragile yet enduring human condition.

Q: Where can your readers find you on social media?
A: I would LOVE more followers on X! My profile is:

Bio: Lindsey Goddard lives in Missouri but wishes she didn't. Her first short story collection, Respect for the Dead, was published through Total Darkness Press in 2011. Her first novella, Ashes of Another Life, was released through Omnium Gatherum Media in 2016 and is slated for release as a full-length novel in 2024. Her fiction has been published by Dark Moon Books, The Sinister Horror Company, ZBF Books, and more. Lindsey Goddard has three short story collections, a poetry book, and runs