Interview with ARC Reader and Book Reviewer Paige Ray

Q: If you could have a fantasy pet, what would you have and why?
A: Definitely a dragon. Why? Because I could fly and get to/escape anywhere I wanted plus the fire breathing comes in handy 😉

Q: What music best describes my reading genres?
A: A creepy music box for sure and or angry/sinister orchestra music.

Q: Tell us about your reading nook/space why it’s special to you.
A: I have my own reading oasis in my house. My cats and dog love to hang out in there with me while I’m reading. I have an entire wall filled with books I’ve collected over the years and a comfy reading chair I lounge in while I read.

Q: What is your favorite collection piece on your bookshelf?
A: My framed edition of Edgar Allan Poe’s famous poem, “Alone.” Gifted to me by my wonderful hubby

Q: if you didn’t read in your free time and work at your current full-time day job. what would you do and why?
A: I would go back to school to become a mortician and open my own funeral home business because I have a weird fascination with the morbid and dead

Q: What is your reading hobby like? How often do you read?
A: I am ALWAYS reading. I usually read anywhere from 1-2books/day sometimes. If they’re 200 pages or less which most tend to be within my genres I read. I can never just read one book at a time either. I like to go back and forth between a few at a time.

Q: How do you celebrate finishing reading a story?
A: By talking about it with my book bestie/s and reviewing it to share with the rest of the world 🙂

Q: How do you balance your life outside your job and being a part of the Unveiling Nightmares BETA team and your reading habits?
A: It’s actually pretty easy for me. I don’t have any children and my husband has his own hobbies that he spends lots of his free time on like me with my reading habits. We always make time for each other and our 4 crazy animals though. We’re both homebodies, so we generally spend time laying next to each other fully immersed in our personal individual hobbies or watching horror movies together.

Q: Write your eulogy in 3 sentences.
A: Hated people and leaving the house. Loved her husband and animals tremendously. She better be buried with her TBR or she will definitely haunt you.

Q: What is your favorite book?
A: Flowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrew’s. But really… Sam and Milo if I’m being honest 😂

Q: What is your favorite horror movie?
A: The Shining

Q: What is your favorite book series?
A: Fallen series by Lauren Kate or The Gwendy Trilogy by Stephen King & Richard Chizmar

Q: Where can I follow Paige’s book reviews?
A: IG: Goodreads: Unveiling Nightmares:



Bio: Paige Ray is a part of the BETA reading team for Unveiling Nightmares. She ARC reads for many indie authors. When Paige isn’t reading or reviewing, she likes to watch horror movies with her husband, 3 cats and dog.