Author Interview with Martin Eastland

Q: If you could have a fantasy pet, what would you have and why?
A: I’d love to get a tank of red-bellied piranha fish and run a loan sharking business so if they dont pay up on time, they take a dip with the fishes! Lol. Probably a tarantula, I guess. Kinda find them interesting.

Q: What type of music best describes your writing?
A: It would be film score music – my go to composers for writing to are John Barry, James Horner, Jerry Goldsmith, although for listening only, I love John Williams.

Q: Tell us about your writing office and why it’s special to you.
A:  I usually write on my phone in short bursts, so I can write in coffee shops, the park while I wait for my partner to quit work for the day, anywhere really. I don’t write in any one location.

Q: What is your favorite piece of visual art that has inspired a story or two?
A: My partner creates my covers, so if she suggests an image, I’ll take a look at it and see if it makes the ‘story radar’ blip. Usually, I can get an idea or two, but not with all of them.

Q: Please write your obituary in three sentences.||
A: “He embraced a vision of darkness that would terrify millions. The kind of darkness that withstood the test of time, the ultimate benchmark of any author. And he did it his way!”

Q: If you weren’t writing, what other hobbies would you pursue? If you write full-time what would your day job be?
|A: Being on mental health disability welfare, I am fortunately able to focus primarily on my writing. If I COULD work, it would be in a warehouse someplace because I always have been a factory kinda guy. Writing always has been a hobby, but I have been fortunate enough to get my work out there, so I’m treating it as a career now.

Q: What is your writing schedule and how many words do you write in a sitting?
B: My writing schedule is a couple of hours a day, my limit being 2,000 words a day, but if it doesnt come, I ain’t forcing it. Sometimes, it pours freely, and that’s great. When it doesn’t, I leave it alone for a while and try later that day. If it’s forced, it’s no good for me or the readers, and that’s a fate worse than death – literary suicide. When I finish a story, I let it sit for a few days, go back to it and re-read it, alter it where needed, then send it out/save it and start another. I usually work on two at one time, anyway, alternating between them. It’s easy for me to balance both, thankfully, as I have a fairly relaxed life, and can write when the urge takes me. I’m extremely fortunate for that. It affords me plenty of time to think about things and how to present ideas in the work before I write.

Q: How do you balance your outside life with your writing life?
A: It’s easy for me to balance both, thankfully, as I have a fairly relaxed life, and can write when the urge takes me. I’m extremely fortunate for that. It affords me plenty of time to think about things and how to present ideas in the work before I write.

Q: What project are you most proud of completing?
A: So far, my most satisfying project is my inaugural solo anthology, OUT OF THE ASHES, mainly due to the struggle it took to get released to the world. My publisher gave me the chance and support to finally make that possible. I think the stories in it are pretty good, but I’ll let the public judge that for themselves.

Q: Do you have any projects you’re working on currently you would like to tell your readers about?
A: I have a full-length novel called ‘NO LOCKS FOR THE DEVIL’ on the way, and another short novella called ‘EVIL EYE’ is in progress. Both are psychological suspense thrillers. Fun for all the dysfunctional family!!

Q: Who is your favorite character from any of your stories and why? If you had to choose a popular author to continue writing this character in another book who would you choose and why?
A: Jon from my short story, THE MAZE’ is probably the only one so far I can think of, as he’s defied the odds and achieved his goals, although faces the ultimate cost of that goal. I’d have Stephen King carry the character into another story. I think he’d hit it out of the ballpark. Home run!

Q: Where can your readers find you on social media?
A: I’m available on Facebook, Instagram, X and Instagram Threads. Home run! I’m available on Facebook, Instagram, X and Instagram Threads.

Bio: Born and raised in Glasgow, Martin Eastland began writing at 12 years old. First published in 2019, his work has appeared in various small press anthologies and eZines. He was signed to a small indie publisher in 2023, and has released OUT OF THE ASHES, a short solo collection of short stories and flash fiction, and a novella, ROSES ARE RED in … 2024. He is currently working on a debut suspense-horror novel and a psychological-suspense novella, aimed for release later this year.